Auto Updating Stream Title - Twitch Integration Mod (TIM) for Black Ops 1

Auto Updating Stream Title

Twitch Integration Mod

for Black Ops 1 Zombies

This feature allows TIM to automatically update your Twitch stream title with values from the game.


To edit the format of the title, either click the "Auto Updating Stream Title" button on the Status tab, or the "Edit" button on the Config->Twitch tab. All available variables are listed here.

You can specifiy the rate the title is updated in the title editor mentioned above. Be aware that lowering this value and updating the title too frequently can cause the Twitch API to place a temporary cooldown on your tokens API access.

Alternatively, you can edit the title format directly from Twitch with the !autotitle command:

!autotitle %round% on %map%


- You can deactivate this feature at any time by either unchecking the "Auto Update Stream Title" checkbox (in TIM under Config->Twitch) or by calling !autotitleoff from either the game or Twitch.
- If you generated your solo OAuth token via TIM before v46, your token will not have permissions to update your stream title. You'll need to regenerate it by either following the wizard that pops up when you try to activate the feature, or by going: Config->Twitch->Twitch Login Information->Edit->Copy Address To Get Token and generating a new token that way.
- Editing the stream title from ingame using the !autotitle command is unavailable due to how the game treats percentage signs, which are used as the variable selectors in the title format.