Bind Manager - Twitch Integration Mod (TIM) for Black Ops 1

Bind Manager

Twitch Integration Mod

for Black Ops 1 Zombies

The Bind Manager is a utility added in TIM v0.2.39. It provides an easy way to manage game binds. It also has the ability to change binds midgame.


- To access the Bind Manager: open the Config tab, then the Game subtab, then click Bind Manager.
- Keys with existing binds are highlighted. You can click on these keys to view/edit them. A key that is being actively edited is shown in dark blue.

TIM Commands:

TIM adds several commands to the game engine, allowing you to bind and use them like you would any other game command.

safe_restart: See Safe Restart.
start_trade: Marks the start of a trade.
end_trade: Marks the end of a trade.
toggle_trade: Combination of start_trade/end_trade. If no trade is running, TIM will mark one as started. Otherwise, if a trade is currently running, TIM will end it.

Note that these commands will only work once TIM has been connected.